Welcome to Alcovy Judicial Circuit

Serving Walton & Newton Counties

The Walton County Government Building in Monroe and the Judge Horace J. Johnson, Jr. Judicial Center in Covington will be closed all day on Monday, January 20, 2025, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.

For other holiday/closing dates, see Calendars/General.


—-Expired Judicial Emergency Orders—-

Judicial Emergency Order (Walton) (Weather 011025))

Judicial Emergency Order (Newton) (Weather 011025)


         The Court expects you to speak to your clients BEFORE you are called in front of a Judge.  It takes time out of the Court’s schedule to have attorneys called before the Judge and then ask for time to go and speak with their clients.  All Judges want this done PRIOR to the Judge taking the bench.  At least 30 minutes or more is wasted per person when the Court has to wait on attorneys to contact their clients during the actual calendar call, and it disrupts the flow of criminal court proceedings and the Court’s time and resources.”

        The Georgia Department of Corrections has provided the information below related to Legal Conference requests for attorneys with clients in the prison system.
GDC Court Services/Legal Conference Request


Effective October 6, 2023 – Order Regarding Electronic Recording and Use of Cell Phones in the Judge Horace J. Johnson, Jr. Judicial Center

Effective October 6, 2023 – Pursuant to Uniform Superior Court Rule 22, electronic recording shall not take place in any courtroom of the Judge Horace J. Johnson, Jr., Judicial Center unless permission is granted by the judge in that courtroom. See the link below for Rule 22 and Request to Record Proceedings.

Cellphones are allowed in the judicial center but must be turned off prior to entering any courtroom and remain off while in the courtroom in order to avoid disruption of court proceedings. Anyone who needs to turn on his or her phone while in the courtroom must ask permission of the judge presiding in that courtroom at that time.

Any person violating any term of this order may be held in contempt and punished by confinement in the county jail for up to 20 days, imposition of a fine up to $1,000.00, or both.

Click the link shown below for a copy of the order entered.

Order Regarding Electronic Recording and Use of Cell Phones in the Judge Horace J. Johnson, Jr., Judicial Center

Regarding Use of Electronic Devices

Rule 22 – Regarding the use of electronic devices in courtrooms and recording of judicial proceedings has been amended effective May 1, 2018.  Rule 22 and Request to Record Proceedings

Important Information from the Clerk of Superior Courts

NEW! The Newton County Clerk of Superior Court’s Office is pleased to announce the new eCertification services that provide users the ability to electronically request certified Court and Real Estate Records 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  A trip will no longer be required to the Clerk’s office to have a paper copy certified. The public can now access this new online service. Click here for more information

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Newton & Walton County Superior Court Clerk’s office in conjunction with the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority (GSCCCA) is pleased to offer the Filing Activity Notification System, FANS, providing Georgia citizens with tools to monitor activity regarding their property and records. Click here for more information.


The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) issued an alert warning of coronavirus-related phishing attacks, particularly surrounding economic stimulus checks. The news that the US government is likely to send upwards of $1,000 to most Americans has created a golden opportunity for scammers, especially since the delivery method for the cash is still uncertain.

“Look out for phishing emails asking you to verify your personal information in order to receive an economic stimulus check from the government,” the FBI says. “While talk of economic stimulus checks has been in the news cycle, government agencies are not sending unsolicited emails seeking your private information in order to send you money.” The statement also cautions people to watch out for offers of counterfeit medical products, including fake vaccines and testing kits.

“Be cautious of anyone selling products that claim to prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19,” the Bureau says. “Be alert to counterfeit products such as sanitizing products and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including N95 respirator masks, goggles, full face shields, protective gowns, and gloves.”

Coronavirus-related fraud has skyrocketed, and we’ve covered many examples of it in the past few weeks. The FBI says to be wary of this trend when you seek information about the topic online.

“Scammers are leveraging the COVID-19 pandemic to steal your money, your personal information, or both,” the statement says. “Protect yourself and do your research before clicking on links purporting to provide information on the virus; donating to a charity online or through social media; contributing to a crowdfunding campaign; purchasing products online; or giving up your personal information in order to receive money or other benefits.”

Users can avoid falling for these scams by sticking to some basic best practices, such as being wary of email links and attachments, and not providing personal or financial data in response to unsolicited emails or phone calls. However, being aware of current trends in phishing attacks can increase your chances of recognizing these scams, since you’ll be on high alert whenever you see a coronavirus-related email.

The FBI’s IC3 has the story: https://www.ic3.gov/media/2020/200320.aspx

GBI Notice

Special Notice from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation – Human Trafficking Notice